Links to other help and organisations.

Although this is an independent web site we are happy to point users in the direction of other useful web sites. Some of these are Hangleton and Knoll based and some run, for example, by Brighton and Hove Council. These may not specifically target Hangleton and Knoll residents but they are open to use by all residents in the area.

Three main links are on our front page incuding H&K Project, Brighton and Hove Council and Ageing Well, and there are a number of helpful links in the "General Contacts and Useful Links" pages.

Note.. when you click on some of these you will be taken to their websites and will leave the 50+ site.

A number of our groups are offereng their services on Zoom during coronavirus restrictions. Click the link on the front page for details.


The Hangleton and Knoll Project offers services and advice on shopping and local deliveries - click here :- Shopping