Autumn 2021 - Spring 2024

These are pictures from past events but similar events continue and are planned for the future.

Walk-scoot-June 2022

On June 27th 50+ organised another "Walk/Scoot" along the old Dyke railway path across the downs north of Hangleton. Apart from a brief shower the weather was fine. 9 people attended the trip and it was well worth it and gave the opportunity for getting out in the fresh air and identifying numerous wild flowers along the way. Some partcipants took sandwiches, and everone thoroughly enjoyed the day. We hope to arrange more of these trips over the course of the year and maybe cover the four seasons as the place looks totally different at different times of the year.


Jubilee Celebration Coach Outing Chichester Canal boat trip.

Earlier this year it was decided that as a celebration of the Jubilee and also as a post pandemic event to replace our Spring Hop, we would organise a coach outing which would include a trip along the Chichester Canal, with refreshments, to be followed by a pub lunch on the way home.The whole event subsidised by a very generous grant from the Hangleton Manor, one of our many supporters, and Brighton and Hove City Council.

The event took place on Wednesday 22nd June 2022, on, it turned out, one of the hottest days of the year. A total of 44 people attended and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - apart from the coach supplied having no effective air conditioning. The Canal Trip was followed by a meal at the Swan Inn at Arundel,



Film screening event with Hove Museum.

A Film Screening with Hove Museum event was held at St Richard's which was a great success thoroughly enjoyed by all.  Dr Frank Gray (Director of Screen Archive South East at the University of Brighton) shared a 40-minute presentation and talk about the archived footage from Hove Museum.  He began with some of the earliest known video recordings still in existence (including one minute of footage shot at Hove Railway Station).  Moving forward through the archives, he showed us footage from later years detailing historic Brighton and Hove landmarks and events including the adventure park that used to exist on the Dyke, the S.S. Brighton indoor swimming pool, pre-WWII gas/bombing drills at Knoll School, and a commercial advertisement encouraging tourists to visit Brighton (in which one of the attendees recognised herself amongst a group of visiting school children on Brighton promenade!).

There was an open Q&A session after the screenings with Dr Frank Gray, where the attendees spoke more about the history of film and the history of Brighton they had seen in the footage, then a break for more refreshments.

During the break, Annis Joslin (an artist film-maker working with Corridor) asked the attendees to consider and share their earliest memories of film and/or a film which had affected them.

We are planning to put on more events like this so Watch This Space!



Walk and Scoot.

In September we organised our first (and long awaited) "Walk and Scoot " event where a number of participants went on a "ramble" along the old Dyke Railway trail up as far as the Brighton and Hove golf course near Dyke Road. The idea was to get the less mobile in our community out on the open air along with gentle walkers to enjoy some "social" scooting rather than just going shopping. We even met a Falconer exercising a rescued Perigrin Falcon prior to it's eventual release back into the wild which made a great photo opportunity! This was a great success with everyone enjoying the walk and looking forward to the next one. Out of a total of 13 participants, 4 were on mobility scooters so there was a good mix of people. Some other scooter users would have come but were caught out by "technical" problems (which have since been resolved) so we hope to see them on the next run in 2022. Details will appear here in the spring.

News items

"Our Place" - Brighton Festival event

The 50+ Steering Group invited older members of the community to participate in an exciting "HK Our Place" event as a part of the 2021 Brighton Festival, which was organised as a short ramble which walkers and disabled folk could attend. We had a wonderful time exploring the beautiful Benfield Valley Nature reserve noticing our surroundings and creating poetry from our observations. It was good to get together innature.

We are hoping to organise similar events - weather and covid permitting - in the furure so "watch this space" .